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Take the journey with Greg and Elena as they find love amid the chaos of life with the Getting a Grip duet. 

Includes Getting a Grip, Balance Check and the EXCLUSIVE story, Little Miss Perfect: How Deborah and Aputi Came to Be. 

Getting a Grip: 

This isn’t my life. Okay, it *is* my life, but not the way I envisioned it would be. 
I wasn’t supposed to be a divorced mother of three when I turned the big 4-0. Sure, I expected the fine lines, gray hairs and left over baby belly. What I didn’t expect was expanding our family get-togethers by one… my ex-husband’s new child bride. Ok, ok, she’s not young. Maybe. 
Did I mention this is not the life I planned? 
It could always be worse, I know. I’m lucky to have a mother who loves to babysit, a best friend who loves sarcasm, and a new friend by the name of Greg who is a child whisperer and tells me my eyes are pretty. 
*Sigh*… Greg. 
The perfect, Adonis-like God of a man who keeps flirting with me. At least I think he’s flirting with me. It’s been so long, I don’t really know. 
Between birthday parties, a few ill-advised bouts with make-up, and a whole slew of gymnastics classes, it’s finally time to take back some control. 
So, while my girls learn all about how to grip the bar, I’m going to learn how to get a grip on my life. And maybe my heart. 

Balance Check: 

Life has a funny way of throwing you off balance. 
Take me for example. I spent years in a bad marriage with a self-serving ass, only to have the love of my life show up when I least expected him. Greg helped me on my journey of self discovery and taught me that, no, I’m not perfect. But I’m perfectly me. It was an amazing journey. 
We laughed hard. We loved even harder. 
And then he was suddenly and cruelly ripped away from me by the unclenching jaws of fate. 
Ok, so it wasn’t that dramatic. And I really need to stop watching the Investigation Channel. 
But now Greg is back and as it turns out, re-incorporating someone into your life isn’t that easy. Between jobs, kids, and barely-there friendships, life and love can be messy. Making it all work is a balancing act. 
But we’re determined to get it in check. 

Little Miss Perfect: 

My life is perfect. 
I work hard every day to make sure of it. I love my family too much to let them get less than eight hours of sleep every night, eat anything other than organic and GMO free foods, or use toxic household cleaners. It’s why I keep tight control and lots of lists, but nothing is more important to me than my family. 
The one thing I can’t control, however, is my husband’s lack of appreciation for all my hard work. Turns out, that lack of understanding is probably why he’s leaving me. 
Suddenly, things aren’t so perfect. 
But maybe, just maybe, with the help of a new and very attractive friend, I can find a new kind of perfection. 

© 2019 Author M.E. Carter. 

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